Assalamualaikum.. whassup - whasuup peeps? huhue ^^
For this entry, I just wanna share a part of my joy on my happy day which is on previous 25th February 2012. Celebrating my birthday with my beloved friends and housemates. Kinda happy on that time. =) The most precious moments for me..
Actually bagi aku, meraikan / menyambut hari kelahiran aku bukan lah sesuatu yg besar atau yg diharapkan. Aku takder la mengharapkan birthday party drpd sesiapa. Aku tak nak la orang laen bersusah payah semata mata utk buat parti bagai utk aku.. Cukup la dengan ucapan dan doa yg ikhlas dan tulus hati korang utk kejayaan kita bersama.. waahhh! sentimental la pulakk.. =p haha.. kalo tak sentimental, mental la pulakk kan? haha
Mengingati hari istimewa aku pun dah cukup menggembirakan aku. In my plan, aku just nak keep slow, steady & kalo boleyy, tak nak laa heboh - hebohkan yg it is my special day aku.. birthday.. bukan cara aku.. it is totally not me.. huhu..
Nak dijadikan citer, aku takder idea langsung yg my roomates and my friends plot a kind of party laa pada sebelah malam.. that was sooooooooooo sweeeeeettttt of themm..! terharu gilerr aku coz aku tak penah harap dorang buat sesuatu yg mcm tu utk celebrate my birthday.. =D seriously, aku sangat sangat bersyukur dan terharu dengan ape yg dorang buat utk aku.. They cooked a special spaghetti for me..!!! ^^ kamsahamnida..! chongmal chongmal kamsahamnida...! Seribu pengahargaan buat teman teman aku, AHMAD SHAKIRIN & MUHAMAD HAFIZI for the delicious spaghetti... full kowt malam tuh.. huhu.. kenyang dgn spaghetti dorang masak jer.. 2 kali kowt aku melantak spaghetti tuh.. huhu untuk adik tiri aku, FIRDAUS MAMAT, thanks sangat for the Big Apple Doughnuts tuu.. Sangat sangat best bila dapat Big Apple..dah lame mengidam nak mkn donut tu sbenar nye.. hihi kepada AHMAD SHAZWAN & IZZUDDIN HAKIM yg "menipu" aku utk beli kek birthday buat aku.. so sweeet of you.. aku tak tao nak cakap ape.. just ucapan terima kasih bnyk2 coz mengingati aku, hari istimewa aku.. aku happy giler.. pada masa yg sama bersyukur sebab dikelilingi kawan kawan yg baik.. dan mereka yg BETUL BETUL nak bersahabat dengan aku yg tak seberapa nie..
Dear my friends, thanks for everythings ya? May Allah bless you in whatever you do. I’ll always pray for your success..
Donut Big Apple from adik tiri, Daus.. |
Spaghetti made by Pijie &Ayin ^^ |
Upacara tiup lilin kek.. hehe |
Fuuhhhhhh... =p |
Birthday kek from Iwan & Din |
Nak potong kek la pulakk.. ngee.. |
Nahh! amik kaw, ditonyoh nye kek.. ala-ala menyuap gituu.. |
Dah macam orang buta dah teman nengok nyer..huu |
Tu diaa aihh, facial free by budak budak nih.. =) |
With friends.. |
Si Adik Tiri aku.. |
Thanks so much for those who gave me this delicious chocolates ^^ |
Thanks yea for the gift.. !! |